After visiting a couple of the larger jewelry stores I was becoming disheartened towards what was such an important step in my life. These stores either fought over me for the commission or didn't give me half the time I was looking for. That's when my friend told me about his experience at LJS Design, and man am I glad he did.
Denise spent the better part of an afternoon teaching this first time diamond shopper not only what to look for (the big 4 C's), but also how to look for them. She showed me how the stones held up on their own merit as well as the important role the different settings had in displaying them. She made me feel at home, with no pressure to purchase and no issue that I wanted to come back again to look around once I had time to absorb all the information she had given me.She worked tirelessly to find the perfect diamond and setting combination with caring regards for my graduate school budget.
I got way more in an engagement ring than I ever thought I could, and my fiance could not be more thrilled with how it turned out. I would highly recommend LJS Design to those hunting for the perfect ring, they will not disappoint.
